Thursday, March 13, 2008

AirDisk problems with Airport extreme

Blink It Digg! Dzone

Just back from my Snowboard holidays, and the worse thing happended I could not connect to my AirDisk through my AirPort extreme. The following errors reported to me.

- Error 35
- The alias "xxx" could not be opened, because the original item cannot be found

Where xxx is the name of your AirPort extreme. This errors resulted that my AirDisks where not accessible by anything. After some surfing (3 days) If found a solution to my problem on a forum. (see link below).

The solution was for me to go back to a previous version of the firm ware of my AirPort extreme. The following steps should be taken to downgrade you AirPort extreme. (I went from version 7.2.1 to 7.1.1)

- Go to your Airport Base station utility
- In the menu bar choose "Base Station" then "Upload firmware".
- A drop down will give you a choice of other previous version of the firmware.

This solved the problem for me, I hope this helps you guys out there. (BWT I tested this on a mac and on a windows machine)

see for more info

Blink It Digg! Dzone

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